Newsletter, January 2012
From the Editor
Welcome to the LakesNeedWater Newsletter for January 2012 edition and Happy New Year!
Community Advisory Roles
Ever wonder where they get those people to represent YOU when it comes to community input about the Lower Lakes? Here’s your chance. The Water for Good, CLLMM, are looking for community volunteers to be on an advisory panel. Deadline is 27th of January. Details are here.
For that matter, Lakesneedwater is also looking for volunteers. If you have an article or comment you've been meaning to write, a photo, or have an idea for the website, we'd like to hear from you. Email us: .
New Petition
A campaign supporting the restoration of the Coorong-Murray River Estuary has recently been launched by The Australian Environmental Foundation. The campaign aims to spotlight attention on the negative environmental affects of the barrages upon the estuary and the river system.
From their web site, Listen to Us, you can sign an online petition, distribute a written petition, download posters and fact sheets, and send postcards to political representatives.
And that Murray Darling Proposed Basin Plan
The Proposed Basin Plan of 2011 is a disappointment. It does not address any of the issues we have been discussing here for the last three years.
The plan is based on averages, and will not keep the Lower Lakes full of fresh water should another extended drought occur.
The plan dismisses the fact that the Lower Lakes have a natural estuarine history, and does not explore how a restored estuary might assist the environmental condition of the Lower Murray region.
Feedback on the basin plan is due by the 16th of April 2012. The barrages and the Lower Lakes are briefly mentioned on pages 38-39 of the 'Delivering a Healthy Working Basin' a 60 page document. We encourage everyone to 'have your say' and be counted in the responses.
If there is interest in a discussion forum please email .
Lakes Need Water active on Twitter
One of our New Years resolutions is to be more active on twitter. One hashtag on basin issues is #MDBasin. Follow us at @lakesneedwater.
Lakes Need Water Team