Newsletter, 15 January 2010
Welcome to the LakesNeedWater newsletter January 2010 edition.
Crisis Update: A Call to Action
LakesNeedWater team members have been working on an analysis summarizing the key issues of the Lower Lakes crisis. We realized that the website has so much information that a current analysis of the situation was needed. Read our "Crisis Update: A Call to Action". Comments are welcome. Please pass this report along to other interested people.
DEH "Securing the Future Long Term Plan"
A last minute reminder that feedback on the DEH's draft plan is due today, 15 January 2010. You can download the plan (2MB) here. Feedback can be given from this link. We have submitted our "Crisis Update: A Call to Action" as our official LakesNeedWater feedback. If you are time short, you are welcome to send in a "vote of support" for our report as your "feedback". You can email the DEH at and include your name, address, email and the following DEH legalese:
"Please note: By submitting your feedback you are giving consent for your words and ideas to be included in Department for Environment and Heritage public documents. Your name and organisation may be listed to acknowledge you as a contributor, but you will not be identified with any specific comment or idea".
I agree or I do not agree
Photo of the Month
Cows allowed to graze, drink and defecate along the receding edge of Lake Alexandrina . Photo taken December 2009.